In January of 2011, I purchased a Kindle Keyboard. In an effort to save money after buying an expensive electronic device, I decided to pick up only free books that were offered on Amazon.
At the time, Amazon was advertising that they had almost 20,000 out-of-copyright books available, and of course, the recently written books that authors and publishers were offering for free for a short time. I was good to go.
And I've had a wonderful time finding out-of-copyright books and reading them. Most times, there is no review for these books, and all I know is the title, the file size (to indicate the length of the book) and usually the author. I would check to see if there are any other works available on Amazon by that author, and if there is, I'd look for reviews to see what other readers have to say about those other works.
I have left 53 reviews on Amazon for some of those out-of-copyright books I have read over the past two years. But as my son pointed out to me yesterday, it is tough to search for out-of-copyright books on Amazon. Unless you are familiar with the author and his or her works, you would never come across some of these books. My efforts to inform people if a book is good or not wasn't reaching very far.
So I am starting this blog. And hopefully I will inspire someone to read these forgotten works. I have found some amazing books. I can't wait to tell you about them!